Energy improvement of Existing Buildings

by admin

Casa Clima agency has set up a new voluntary protocol “Casa Clima R” that promotes energy saving renovation of existing buildings according to the European standard.


The energy qualification is both for new and existing buildings. Many existing buildings were made before of the new millennium, therefore it’s useful to think about redeveloping them and make them comply with new quality standard and continuous improvement. But it isn’t so simple to bind the new construction directives with the old construction method.

The existing buildings were made following ancient construction regulations such as the exploitation of resources, little thermal insulation, and there was no energy policy.

This caused the creation of outdated, non-comfortable, buildings, with an high energy impact with high costs for resident.

Energy requalification bounds new quality standards and technological innovation with ancient buildings don’t change the original structure of the building.
In this way the building can be revalued with considerable saving on heating and renovation.
