Capacità ed esperienza

Servizi dedicati alla sicurezza e al risparmio energetico

Misura Campi elettromagnetici cem

SCANTEC gives technical solutions to contain electromagnetic Field due to electromagnetic pollution

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Valutazione radiazioni ottiche artificiali (ROA)

SCANTEC deals with measurement and control of Artificial Optical Radiation with professional and certified instruments

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Interventi di prevenzione e protezione

SCANTEC verifies equipment functionality in production process using adequate technological instruments

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Scantec realizes accurate and reliable thermographic surveys in industrial, thermo-technical and construction sectors

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Blower door test

Scantec realizes Blower Door Test, the most efficient method to verify air permeability of a building

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Diagnosi energetica

Scantec realizes consumption analysis and evaluates civil and industrial plant tanks to qualified technicians

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