Gruppo Reno De Medici

R.D.M. Ovaro

Ing. Marco Cozzi
Maintenance Manager
Cartiera di Ovaro (UD)
Reno de Medici Spa Group

We started the cooperation with Scantec since 2006, their experience permitted us to know and appreciate infrared thermography.  The investigation plan provided two days during the year, fixed a month in advanced on programmed stop production. Verify consisted in thermographic  inspection of all electric panels.

The monitoring so planned permitted us to obtain important benefits:

  • Cleaning operation or replacement devices according to the severity of anomaly,
  • Purchase spare material if strictly necessary,
  • Reduction of fault during normal activity,
  • Decreased of fire risk due to electrical origin.

Following these results, established the usefulness of thermography, we extended the checks to other anomalies on electrical machines such as motors and transformers.

